Friday, January 30, 2009

An Pan!


Do you like this school?

I really, really like it.

But nothing can stay unchanged

Damn who says nothing can stay unchanged.
I'm pretty sure the company that supplies my workplace lounge with bread is out to change all we ever thought of the ordinary an-pan[red bean bread].
Had the most horrible an-pan ever this morning. It was salty, bitter and tasted burnt, absolutely nothing like anything I've ever tasted. Seems like they even managed to make curry pan taste absolutely nothing like curry at vomit-inducing levels of sweetness. I'll post the name once i find out what's that condemned company. Guess they rank up there with Sanae-san's bread, if you get what I mean....

Saturday, January 24, 2009

of sunsets and sunrise

Woke up this morning and saw the sunrise, strangely split into 2 with a void in the middle...

sunset while being stuck in horrible traffic on bus 74

I HAVE TO LABEL THIS "MOST USER-FRIENDLY ERROR MESSAGE EVER". And yes, this bleddy error box made me lose 2hours of work in an instant w/o an explanation. Why OH WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

More 鼠先輩

For all those who haven't got enough of him... darn i can't get rid of the underline

Oita [Drama ver.]